On Tuesday the18th September, amidst much excitement and assistance from the community, we took delivery of our very first container. Donated and delivered by Jeffreys Bay SuperSpar and Build-It. We can not thank you both enough for this very generous donation. And then on Monday 15th October, a second 2,4 x 6m container was delivered to the JBay Recycling Project – this one sponsored by the Supertubes Surfing Foundation.
The SSF Jeffreys Bay Recycling Project – Contacineras partnered with the project since it’s 2011 inception, providing hundreds of man-hours every year to sort and pack the 590 tonnes of recyclables collected thus far, transport, funding, logistics and a platform at events. When the request came for a container to be used as storage space for stock, the SSF immediately agreed to source it. It has even been modified according to requests, featuring security grids, and has been painted green! The two organizations focus on very similar goals – those of preserving and protecting the environment by mobilizing the community.
We have waited a very long time for this wish of ours to be met and can’t thank our sponsors enough. The containers will be used to increase our shop and storage space as well create a more streamlined and smoother functioning operation. This is also the first time we will have our own official space that we can call “Ours”.
As Tanya put it “We have always envisaged a light, spacious place for our kids to be able to shop for both their casual and school clothes with the “mula” they earn from their recycling.”
Jeffreys Bay Recycling ProjectOne of the containers will affectionately be named “Berni’s Boutique” after our volunteer, Bernadette Barr who has supervised the children’s clothing section for many many years
If you would like to see our new improvements come lend a hand… you know where to find us on a school Monday