Our Latest News…
2024 comes to an end
Stats and Christmas The year has been a great success. On our last trading day, 300 young recyclers all joyfully received a Christmas gift of food staples, treats and pre-loved toys. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and local businesses, the younger kids had a...
Newsletter before the end of the year…
Stats and Christmas The year has flown by and we are busy with preparations to give 300 children each a Christmas gift on our last trading day. This will consist of a food parcel and a pre-loved toy. Please check our website for details. This gift is a small "thank...
The first four months of 2024!
The first four months of 2024 have been a great success for JBay Recycling Project, with so much good news to share. Let's start with the stats... over 13 trading Mondays, 1,903 kids recycled a whopping 32.6 tonnes. Each child returning home with something they were...
2023 Comes to an end
Wow, we will have recycled over 81.7 tonnes in total over 31 trading days this year. We will have received over 5,000 individual visits by 2,400 children of whom 380 were first-time visitors. Volunteers will have donated well over 1,200 hours on site, excluding all...
The first half of 2023
Dear friends, Oops! The quarterly newsletter has turned into a half-year one. The first 6 months of 2023 have been fun, challenging, sad, happy, heartwarming, disappointing, joyful.. so many emotions. Thanks to all of you, children participated...
Final Term of the Year
“Share the Love” Day The last day is always a celebration of the year. 291 children traded their recycling as usual, but then each received a goodie bag filled with toys, sweets, and biscuits. This was possible thanks to the fundraiser dubbed “Share the Love”...
Spring Time News
The short September holidays are currently being enjoyed by scholars. Spring is in full bloom and the days are beautiful - walking on the beach, you can very often spot whales and their calves breaching the ocean surface joyfully. At JBay Recycling Project, our...
School Term 2 News
The Stats The total material delivered by the kids from January to June 2022 was just under 37 tonnes, of which 12 was plastic (33%) The second school term consisted of 7 full trading Mondays in May and June, most of them hot and very busy. In other...
School Term 1 – Done and Dusted
With the Easter Holidays coming up, here’s some news about the project so far this year: Over our 8 trading days, 1,400 children visited and 15 tons of recyclables were exchanged for goodies in the swop shop. At the start of the school year, stationery and...
Up, down and all around
Incredibly, the last term of 2021 starts next week. COVID continued to throw curveballs at society from July to September. These were handled to the best of our ability, bearing in mind that our priorities are always the best interests of the children we...